Unmatch Me Now
Unmatch Me Now is a weekly podcast about the horrible and weird sides of online dating, dating ethics and everything around online dating. Hosted by Idan, based in Berlin with international guests! \ IG:@unmatchmenow \ www.swipeleft.me
Unmatch Me Now
Alexandra @alexborntobewild
Season 3
Episode 114
I talked to Alexandra (@alexborntobewild) - who hosts a podcast about consent - about why we should be more contentful in our dating life (and generally) and how does that come into play, asking for consent before kissing someone, how she go catfished, how she Krav Maga’d a guy who violated her consent and assaulted her during a date, unsolicited dick pics and how to deal with them legally, consent in everyday life in non-dating situations and more!
check out her podcast here: conversationsonconsent.com